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Virtuallyproperties.com is published by Virtually, a company headquartered in Monaco. Company : VIRTUALLY Address : 17 Ave nue Albert II, 98000 Monaco RCI: 21P09844 (Trade Register number ) Date Creation : 2019


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o2switch Chemin des Pardiaux
63000 Clermont-Ferrand Capital de 100000€ Siret 510 909 80700024

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The ads are open to all agencies that have expressed their interest in joining our platform, however, certain criteria and conditions apply, including: • Signing a contract with the agency to set up an agency account. • Compliance with the policy for displaying properties on the site. • Compliance with the laws and regulations in the agency’s country. • Compliance with the requirements agreed upon with the virtuallyproperties platform.

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As a host of the ads broadcast under the exclusive responsibility of the advertisers, virtually cannot materially organize a general monitoring of the ads it hosts on virtuallyproperties.com and cannot determine their lawful or unlawful nature. If the user discovers that all or part of an ad – uploaded on virtuallyproperties.com by an advertiser – may be manifestly illegal, the user is invited to report it to virtually.mc or virtuallyproperties.com via the contact form, or send us an email at contact@virtuallyproperties.com. Security: “At Virtually Properties, we are proud to provide you with an honest and transparent platform. We do not engage in affiliate links and we never ask for payment in exchange for sales or discounts. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us for valuable advice. We are here to help and happy to provide information at any time. We take all necessary measures to protect our website against malicious attacks, including the use of security software and regular updates. However, we cannot guarantee 100% that our website will not be infected. Therefore, we disclaim all liability for damages that may result from such an infection. We encourage our clients and users to take appropriate security measures to protect their own system against online threats.”

Intellectual Property Rights:

“Copyright 2019 virtually properties – All rights reserved. The content of this website, including texts, images, and videos, is the exclusive property of virtually properties or its partners. Any reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display or performance of the content of this site, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the prior written permission of virtually properties. Unauthorized use constitutes a criminal offense punishable by the courts of Monaco.”


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